877-769-3799 [email protected]


The Primary Difference Between Mediocre and Extra-Ordinary is IMPLEMENTATION…

We’re going to make it EASY FOR YOU TO SUCCEED! Please BOOKMARK this page so you can quickly and easily refer to it.

Click on the following links to download some fantastic tools to help you quickly, easily, and correctly implement the Powerful Words Character Development System:

The Primary Difference Between Mediocre and Extra-Ordinary is IMPLEMENTATION…

We’re going to make it EASY FOR YOU TO SUCCEED! Please BOOKMARK this page so you can quickly and easily refer to it.

Click on the following links to download some fantastic tools to help you quickly, easily, and correctly implement the Powerful Words Character Development System:


NEXT – Listen to this Teleseminar (recorded in July 2012) on How to Use the Powerful Words Program for Lead Generation, Lead Conversion, etc:

*** Here’s the Monthly Implementation Guide referenced during the teleseminar above –> http://goo.gl/gSnCO

NEXT – Listen to this Teleseminar (recorded in July 2012) on How to Use the Powerful Words Program for Lead Generation, Lead Conversion, etc:

*** Here’s the Monthly Implementation Guide referenced during the teleseminar above –> http://goo.gl/gSnCO

Here is another TELESEMINAR YOU MUST LISTEN TO AND SHARE WITH YOUR STAFF — Dr. Robyn Silverman – How to run PowerChats that Rock:

After you’ve downloaded the checklist, you can now DOWNLOAD THESE!!!

  1. Powerful Words Personal Development Center Press Release
  2. Powerful Words Introductory Letter to Parents (for initial launch)
  3. Powerful Words Introductory Letter to Parents (for new student package)
  4. Powerful Words Character Development Logo (For use on your website)
  5. Picture of Dr. Robyn Silverman (for use on your website)
  6. Powerful Words Character Poster (in PDF format – can be blown up at Staples/Kinkos/OfficeMax, etc)
  7. Dr. Robyn’s Tips -> The Powerful Benefits School Tour
  8. Dr. Robyn’s Tips -> Delivering a Successful Power-Chat
  9. Dr. Robyn’s Tips -> Dealing with a Distracting Student
  10. Dr. Robyn’s Tips -> The ABC’s of Parenting and Stress Management


The following program was a $150 per person audio event that Guro Jason M. Silverman delivered for top level school owners who wanted to Inject some Massive Success into their businesses in 5 fast days…enjoy!

  1. Guro Jason’s 5 Day Business Refocus Course -> Audio #1
  2. Guro Jason’s 5 Day Business Refocus Course -> Audio #2
  3. Guro Jason’s 5 Day Business Refocus Course -> Audio #3
  4. Guro Jason’s 5 Day Business Refocus Course -> Audio #4
  5. Guro Jason’s 5 Day Business Refocus Course -> Audio #5

Helpful Published Articles Written by Dr. Robyn Silverman or Guro Jason M. Silverman:

  1. “Beyond Kicking & Punching: Transforming Your School into a Personal Development Center” by Dr. Robyn Silverman (MA Success Magazine – August 2006)
  2. “I Wanna Quit!: Why Children Quit & What We Can Do About It” by Dr. Robyn Silverman (MA Success Magazine – November 2006)
  3. “Helicopter Parents: How to Cope With Overprotective Parents” by Dr. Robyn Silverman (MA Success Magazine – March 2007)
  4. “Character Education: One Size Does Not Fit All” by Dr. Robyn Silverman (MA Success Magazine – September 2007)
  5. “Raising the Bar: Transforming Your School into a Personal Development Center” by Dr. Robyn Silverman (USA Gymanstics Technique Magazine – January 2007)
  6. “Hang Up The Pink Tights: Why Martial Arts is so Great for Girls” by Dr. Robyn Silverman (MA Success Magazine – August 2008)
  7. “10 Ways to Ensure YOU Survive This Recession” by Jason M. Silverman (USA Gymnastics Technique Magazine – May 2009)
  8. “Grand Re-Opening BluePrint: How to Re-Invent Your School for Greater Attraction & Superb Retention” by Jason M. Silverman  (MA Success Magazine – October 2009)
  9. “How to Cultivate a Community of Role Models” by Dr. Robyn Silverman (MA Success Magazine – July 2012)